19 Days
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Dan and I are trying to find an apartment in St. Louis. Is this even possible to do from out of town? It seems like every listing we can find wants us to call and make an appointment for a viewing, which seems natural, but we are unable to view from 650 miles away. Can we send a friend to look at the place? Should we trust pictures and take what we can get? Dan really doesn't want to wait to find a place until we get back from the honeymoon because he thinks we will stress about it in Costa Rica. I guess he may have to fly up there for a day or two to find a place, which is hard since we have 3 weeks until Wedding Day and he still needs to move out of his house in Norman.
My dress cleared customs, I'm told. So it is in America, hopefully. We were worried it wouldn't arrive in time since it was supposed to ship from Spain on the 15th of July. But they predicted it would get here early and therefore in time for the wedding. As a back up I have both of my mom's wedding dresses I could wear and they are dry cleaned and pressed ready to go. I fit into both of them without any alterations.
Dan and I had our couple's shower this past weekend. It was with all of his mother's side of the family. His mom has 5 sisters who all live in the Dallas area and who brought all their families too. There was 50+ people there. We got lots of wonderful gifts.